How to Survive the Spotify Crash

Don't get screwed by the algorithm, read this.

Hey there! This week, we're giving you the guide to survive the Spotify crash, checking in on Burning man, a massive plugin deal and the track of the week. Let’s get it.

How to Survive the Spotify Crash

In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, artists are constantly seeking platforms to amplify their reach and connect with fans. Spotify, with its massive user base, has been a go-to for many. But as we delve deeper into the financial intricacies of this streaming giant, it begs the question: "Should all your effort be put into Spotify?"

The Spotify Conundrum

Spotify, the behemoth that revolutionized music streaming, seems to be caught in a financial quagmire. Despite boasting a staggering 400 million active users, the company has been bleeding money, accumulating over $4 billion in losses by 2022. A significant chunk of their revenue goes to music royalties, a system largely controlled by the big record labels, leaving a minuscule portion for the artists and the company's other expenditures.

Moreover, Spotify's recent venture into the podcasting sphere hasn't been the golden ticket they anticipated. Despite heavy investments, the podcast segment's revenue is still dwarfed by music streaming, and it hasn't turned the financial tide for the company.

Lessons from Facebook

Before you decide to go all-in on Spotify, it's worth taking a leaf from the history of platforms like Facebook. Many businesses that relied heavily on Facebook's reach found themselves in a lurch when the platform tweaked its algorithm, throttling the organic reach drastically.

These instances serve as a stark reminder that putting all your eggs in one basket, especially in platforms governed by ever-changing algorithms, can be a risky move.

The Old School Charm: Email Lists and Phone Numbers

In this digital age, where algorithms dictate the reach and engagement, going old school might just be the smart move. Yes, we're talking about email lists and phone numbers - the classic, tried-and-tested channels that offer you full control over communication with your fans.

While they might seem archaic in the face of flashy social media platforms, these channels are not subject to the whims of algorithm changes. You have the reins, allowing you to foster a direct and personal connection with your audience. Moreover, in the event of a platform like Spotify facing financial troubles or changing their policies, having a robust email list or phone number database ensures that your connection with your fans remains uninterrupted.

Conclusion: The Balanced Approach

As we navigate the complex waters of the music industry, the Spotify saga serves as a cautionary tale. While it's tempting to ride the wave of a popular platform, the prudent approach is to diversify your efforts.

In the grand scheme of things, controlling your communication channels is vital. It safeguards your interests and ensures a steady and reliable connection with your fan base. As artists and creators, fostering a community that thrives on direct communication can be your stronghold, immune to the fluctuations of platform algorithms and policies.

So, as you strategize your next move, remember that sometimes, the old school methods are not just reliable but indispensable. In a world chasing the next big platform, taking control of your fan communication through email lists and phone numbers can be your ace in the hole, ensuring stability and sustained engagement in an otherwise volatile landscape.

Keep the music playing, and keep the communication flowing, directly and personally. It's time to play the long game, with wisdom and foresight.

Track of the Week:

Industry News: Burning Man 2023 Rainstorm Chronicles and Survival Guide

In a turn of events that no one saw coming, this year's Burning Man festival was graced with an unexpected guest: a sudden rainstorm that transformed the iconic Black Rock City into a bit of a muddy mess. But, as always, the Burning Man community rose to the occasion, showcasing the resilience and spirit that the event is renowned for.

As the rain poured down, the event organizers were quick to advise attendees to seek shelter, with many turning their vehicles and tents into temporary refuges from the storm. And it seems the Burning Man Survival Guide has become a crucial read, offering essential tips to navigate the muddy terrain, including crafting makeshift mud boots from trash bags - talk about innovation!

Despite the unforeseen hiccup, the spirit of unity and camaraderie that defines Burning Man hasn't dampened. Attendees have been pooling resources and lending a helping hand to one another, embodying the true essence of the festival.

As we await further updates, we're sending our best wishes to the attendees, hoping for clear skies and smooth sailing ahead. Stay tuned for more updates, and here's to an unforgettable chapter in the Burning Man story!

Remember when we raved about the magic touch that the Sonnox Inflator V3 can bring to your tracks? Well, it's back a jaw-dropping discount of 75%.

This plugin is a secret weapon to add that professional polish to your mixes. It's great at bringing out a crisp brightness in hats, a Disclosure-endorsed technique.

Whether you're aiming to add a touch of warmth or elevate the dynamics without compromising the range, the Inflator V3 is your go-to.

Upcoming Events:

  1. The Wednesday Roast - Twitch stream at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT on Sept 13th, 2023. Get feedback on your track mixdowns and ask production questions!

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The Label: Broken English Traxx 

Meme of the Week: